sexta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2009

Dedico-te esta música, tu que...

You're the one

tonight i'm letting go
of all the old excuses
the fears i built so close
cause inside i've always known
that no one else could ever do
or ever feel like home

theres so many things i'll never know
but this i know for sure

you're the one
i need you more than ever
it's taken too long
taken to long to say

my life began
the night we spent together
now i cannot live
i'd die any other way

i'm not afraid

you're the one

it's hasn't always been
the best of times
but if you'd ask
i'd do it all again

(are you ready to begin)

i'm ready to begin
a brand new chapter of our lives
just tell me where and when

(a brand new chapter in our lives)

you're the one

you're the one
who understands
who makes me better than i am
i do it all because of you
when all we had
had come undone
you stood and fought
and didn't run
you're the one who
pulled us through

i'm not afraid

you're the one

terça-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2009

2 anos...

Aqueles que têm nome e nos telefonam
Um dia emagrecem – partem
Deixam-nos dobrados ao abandono
No interior duma dor inútil muda
E voraz

Arquivamos o amor no abismo do tempo
E para lá da pele negra do desgosto
Pressentimos vivo
O passageiro ardente das areias – o viajante
Que irradia um cheiro a violetas nocturnas


Nem a vida nem o que dela resta nos consola
A ausência fulgura na aurora das manhãs
E com o rosto ainda sujo de sono ouvimos
O rumor do corpo a encher-se de mágoa

Assim guardamos as nuvens breves os gestos
Os Invernos o repouso a sonolência
O vento
Arrastando para longe as imagens difusas
Daqueles que amámos e não voltaram
A telefonar

Al Berto

Pela dor... parece que foi ontem...
Pela saudade... já lá vão muitos e muitos anos...